Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Let be my eyes but need your vision...
Faith is bigger or love, whatever let it be..
Let be my Life but need your Reason...
illusion or illumination,whatever let it be..

Friday, November 17, 2006

Best of Both Worlds...
I have been in Usa for last few months...
I would really like to appreciate professionalism,systematized law and orders,certain level of decency and manners,Democracy,highly advance technology and many other things..
I have been born and brought up in india...
I would really like to appreciate our culture, Strong Family bond,great spirituality,meditation,yoga practices and many other things..
If Best of Both can absorbed and retained ..this earth will be next to heaven...
But in vein...I have seen young generation in india is imitating everything blindly...
It is in our hands to keep our good values or the day will come when every good thing will sweep from our hands..and we are going to regret..keep my words...we are going to regret for that...
There are many things we possessed and the world really needs them...

something with which I m quite disappointed that there are some youngsters which think they are ultra modern and they r trying to imitate everything blindly and other are pretty orthrodox and unrationally sticking to filthy traditions...
There is a question which i asked to myself thousands of time is it that difficult to adopt best of both worlds..???

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Suffering...Sometimes i think suffering is a mental state..it is a matter of choice..one can live life happily if he/she has decided to do so..
some pains are inevitable , completly agree..but retrospect and tell me in past how many things are really sufferable?...how many pains you can really avoided if you have already decided to keep urself away from them? Sometimes I think one cannot blame others for his/her own pain...bcoz it is sign of weekness..you kept urself vulnerable..that is your fault..
All vulnerable species got attacked by stronger one..:-) Darwin's theory..
Two things i want my heart to understand is 1)one who suffered bcoz he opted to do..so stop blaming other..2) basic tendancy of soul is towards happiness..long faces donot make lives..
real nature of human is to keep himself happy. ..that's the reason revolution comes to picture..Human being did progress bcoz they want life more comfortable and happier..
so its not ones real nature to susceptible to suffering or to blame others..on other hand real nature of human to fight against adversities..not to win some emotional sympathies

sometimes man himself njoy his pain..its not circumstances and specific person..he made them reason so can he can njoy his pain..:-)
its a tingling euphoria..:-)

sometimes I think it is matter of outlook..positive and negative..Life is the way u look after it..

melancholy is like termite eats away positive energy..it is contagious..
So my dear heart when u r happy ..u r willing to make others happy..
it is itself a good deed...be happy always..............